
Showing posts from May, 2021

Blood on the Streets

  This week I've heard the famous Baron Rothschild quote about half a dozen times, but I thought Ted Seides made the best point. I listened to Ted's new book, " Capital Allocators: How the world's elite money managers lead and invest " over the weekend. Ted reminded readers/listeners that everyone seems to forget the second half of the Baron's  quote. The first part is 'the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets," but the second part is "even if the blood is your own." Crypto had yet another rough week with China mentioning possible restrictions down the road. Will this break the supposed diamond hands crypto investors claim to be? I saw something that roughly 30% of holders of BTC are holding at a loss. It's only about 15% of ETH holders. I’ve got another section of links below where I share some news links, but also some of the liquidation stats. JP Morgan also noted that many institutions have moved from crypto to gold.

Stupid is as stupid does

  Last Monday’s media coverage was divided between Elon’s SNL appearance and a major pipeline shutdown causing people to freak out. Elon slowly yielded to the gas shortage on the East coast due to the Colonial Pipeline shutdown. As some of the pictures hit social media, the lines and people at gas stations along the east coast became a circus. Here are some of the best/worst I saw. One thing to note, the picture of bags is apparently from 2018, but the fact that a government agency had to send this out tells you all you need to know. This whole pipeline disruption intrigued me and I read a lot of articles on it over the week. These four are some of the better ones I read that highlight the whole problem and it’s possible knock-on effects. As you’ve seen from the pictures above, we cannot seem to control ourselves as Americans. US fuel pipeline hackers 'didn't mean to create problems' Gasoline demand spikes in several states after pipeline hack Colonial Pipeline reportedly p

Rowdy Markets

  I guess jobs just do not matter much these days. I’m lost at how the non-farm payrolls put up such a bad number, 266k on an expected number closer to 1 million, and no one really cared. Maybe we’re back to whole the bad news is good news thing, because the S&P and Dow Jones closed at record highs. NASDAQ however ended the week lower for the third straight week. I think the comments by US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen helped put a little pressure on the Nasdaq growth names. She initially commented that “interest rates will have to rise somewhat to make sure our economy doesn’t overheat.” The Nasdaq 100 futures sold off nearly 3% in the early trading hours on Tuesday. Yellen quickly walked those comments back and growth equities recovered most of their losses. The US said it would back a proposal to waive patents on Covid-19 vaccines , but Germany disagreed with that. The EU is up for a conversation on it. The idea behind this being that future variations would be easier to fi